MaMa if not Nothing
God would have no reason to be puzzled by logical contradictions nor by any other obstacles real or imagined for that matter, except, perhaps, the problem of her own eternal existence. Of course she might not bother to question her own existence absent any self-defining challenge to it, preferring instead to remain profoundly ignorant in eternal bliss. But If that were the case, then she would not be omniscient, for she would know nothing of herself in relation to her universe. She would be an inscrutable mystery if not Nothing.
Of course she is slightly more than nothingness to manu, primordial man, whom she "measures out" (ma) along with the rest of the universe, in all its particulars - hence we double Ma and call her MaMa, the wise infinitude draped in absolute space, the womb of everything finite that would negate her, but must be satisfied, instead, with an infinitessimal portion of her plenitude.
Within her measure we self-consciously exist. We suppose she is absolute wisdom instead of absolute ignorance. If she were not wise to her particulars, then the fleeting fabric of the illusory universe would collapse back into her womb and she would be the one and only non-dimensional point again, the Ace or Kali. And then we would have nothing to post, posit or prove, for neither we nor anything else would exist. Since we are capable of thinking of the absence of everything except Nothing, we have good reason to presume that Nothing positively exists before anything at all, an unknown something, pregnant with everything including humankind.
Figuratively speaking, we propose that Nothing is fe-male; meaning, she who crowns man. That man is ignorant of the 0rigin from whom all males and females are born is no reason to believe that Ma-Ma is ignorant. Rather, man is ignorant, no matter how learned he might be: the more he knows about particular subjects, the less he knows of the perfect universal, or Nothing, the thou-art-that.
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